Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Benjamin's photo shoot

These pictures just make me SMILE!! I have not had the best week (understatement of the century) and looking at sweet pictures of my kids always makes me smile. Benjamin had his pictures taken last night and OH.MY.GOSH!! AMAZING!

I also need to express my feelings about another little boy I just adore. My sweet Jackson. 2 days ago I decided that something was just not right with him and I took him to the doctor. They immediatly sent us to the hospital for some lab work. The results of this lab work was not pleasing. It showed very high white and red blood cells, and high platelets. What does this mean? Could be a few different things. A major infection in the body (what we are actually hoping for), Leukemia (makes me break down and cry just thinking about it being that) or Mono. Well the Mono test came back negative. His blood tests were then sent to a patholigist and oncologist and will be reviewed. Under initial review they both feel that Jackson needs his bone marrow tested. All I can do when I think about them drilling a hole in my sons hip is scream!!! THIS IS SO UNFAIR! No child should undergo such agony, and no parent should witness their child in so much pain. We are waiting to hear back from the doctor to see if they still feel this is needed. Another option is to wait a couple of weeks, and run a new panel and see if any changes happen. Jackson is amazing, I love this kid so much and as frustrating as he can be, he always has time to give you a hug. He is always so kind to everyone, and the first to offer to help when needed. His best friend has cerebral palsy and Jackson is so loving towards him and is always helping him at school and with his walker/chair. Instead of teasing his friend he thinks its the coolest thing "mommy 'K' has the coolest set of wheels ever!! How lucky is he!!"
I am feeling blessings and love all around me and know my family is being watched over. I know that everything happens for a reason, and things like this can only make you stronger. Just as I was feeling weak and tired, this situation gets put into my life. I am angry, and scared, but also feel that going through this will make me appreciate the people I love even more. And I will cherish every single second I have with my kids. They are truly a blessing and I feel like I am the luckiest mom in the world. Jackson just sat up on the couch and out of no where said "mommy, I sure do love you". I sure do love him.


ashley g. said...

OK- ignore my last email. Do you need help? Will you please let me know if I can help you?

And congratulations on such an amazing addition to such an amazing family. Serious love to you all.

Eliza said...

Jennie-Congrats and sorry. Keep us hearts and thoughts are with you and your sweet fam.

Carly said...

That little Benjamin is ADORABLE!!!

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray that it will be something quickly treated for your sweet Jackson.

If there is anything we all can do for you here in CA- just say the word.

Love to you,
Carly Streiff