Friday, September 7, 2007


OK here we go Kambree.....

1. Who is your man? Jake
2. How long have you been together? 4 years 10 months , 5 days, 9 hours, 24 mins, to be exact!
3. How long dated? about 4 weeks. Started dating in May, engaged in July, married in November. "Hey, when it's's right - why wait?" Copied Kambree.. wow, we have something pretty BIG in common! haha!
4. How old is your man? 34 years OOOLD
5. Who eats more? Are you kidding me??? His talent far exceeds mine in this category -and I'm MORE then ok with that! ;)
6. Who said "I love you" first? Jake did, and he said it VIA EMAIL! HA HA. He said it after knowing me for a mere 3 days... .hmmmm desperate for a wife.... or really in love haha!
7. Who is taller? Jake
8. Who sings better? We are both pretty bad at singing! Jake is good at making songs up to primary song melodies, and Lily is quick to correct him!
9. Who is smarter? Depends! When
it comes to life.... I have better street smarts!
10. Who's temper is worse? ME! WOW... pregnancy hormones... do those ever go away? It has been 4 months since I had Po Po, so you would THINK they would go away already!
11. Who does the laundry? Hmmm That would be ME.
12.Who takes out the garbage? He does
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jake, sometimes Lily haha
14. Who pays the bills? Since I "create" the bills, I end up having to pay them! I am the money manager... am I good at it.... hmm.... at least our account isnt in the red, today !haha
15. Who is better with the computer? I know how to turn it on and type...he knows how to do "all the other stuff" I guess that makes him the "winner".
16. Who mows the lawn? Hm, well we live in a community where the HOA mows it for us.. but our 10 by 30 area in front of the house, sadly, our home teacher mows it...... we dont have a lawn mower!
17. Who cooks dinner? Me, always me
18. Who drives when you are together? We have a rule... whoever isnt driving has to deal with the I like to drive
19. Who pays when you go out? Usually Jake
20. Who is most stubborn? I think it that would be him....but I don't know for sure.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? "I am never wrong"
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Um, my mom lives in the basement..... but Jakes parents live pretty close to us
23. Who kissed who first? Jake... he was EAGER.... (I love you after a few days...... hahaha)
24. Who asked who out? I actually initiated the get together..... it was a blind date set up by a friend.
25. Who proposed? Jake
26. Who is more sensitive? I cry easier, but Jake is very sensitive
27. Who has more friends? Hmmm.. maybe me.... but we both have "couple" friends...
28. Who has more siblings? Me
29. Who wears the pants in the family? We work pretty well together - If I do say so myself ;)


kam said...

Ha Ha!!! That's GREAT Jen....3 days eh? What took him SOOO long??? ;) ;)

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

Like I said..... desperate to get married? hahaha Did I tell you this.... he ANNOUNCED to his parents that he wanted to marry me AT HIS GRANDMA'S FUNERAL WAKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAAH I still laugh when I think about that "welcome to the family Jennie... thanks for coming to my mom's funeral" WHOAH

ZB said...

Hilarious that he said I love you in email! I'm loving that! Can I tease him about that one?