Sunday, May 25, 2008

New calling........WOW

Ok, well our ward split yet again a few weeks ago. With a "new ward" there will be new callings. I was pretty bummed when they announced the new boundaries since about 90% of mine and my kids friends will be in the "other ward". But thats ok..... we see eachother in passing... and all the time out side of church! Well with a new ward there are new callings, and today a member of the bishopric called me and jake to come in to meet with him..... I had my thoughts because my friend and neighbor had already told me she submitted my name to be with her.... well she got me! I am the new first counselor in the Young Women's program, and I will be helping with girls camp. I agreed to going to camp before I found out that this year the Daybreak stake will be going to the highly desired CABIN CAMP IN HEBER UTAH! sleeping on the ground...... BEDS, running water, TOILETS that flush! WOW... and drum roll please... NO KIDS FOR 4 days!! WAHOOOOOOOOO well no TODDLERS for 4 days! I am just happy that the girls are very sweet and I will be working with amazing ladies!!!


Anonymous said...

congrats--you'll have fun, although you are much braver than me. I am mortified of those teenage girls--it puts me right back into my highschool fears...

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

Well I JUST found out that we are in fact going to be in TENTS this year...... thats ok..... as long as I have running water I am ok! We darn well better have running water! My memories of going to camp in my west valley stake brings tears to my eyes when I remember how dirty I was just after unloading the car. And the SMELL Of the girls after one day was revolting.. Zoie, back me up on that one! hahahahha

mIcHeLLe said...

you will be great with those girls! They will be lucky to have you around!

ZB said...

It was HORRIBLE. I remember one girl telling me that she was going to be bringing her blanket in the car home with me. UH, NO! It was nasty.

Congratulations on your new calling. You are so fabulous with the Young Women.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow! Should be good times.