Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh I love these people....

Bet you thought I was going to post a picture of my family! Well these doctors at National Jewish Medical center in denver colorado are amazing. They treated Jackson so well and helped us understand eczema more. Now as spring enters we are batteling allergies galore, but at least now we have learned exactly how to treat the eczema, and rashes. If you know anyone who is going through the agony of Eczema, please contact me. I can give you the treatment directions that we got for Jackson! Maybe I should post it on the blog!


Tasharoo said...

Post directions would be great! Emri found out that her little one is now allergic to polyester that is in EVERYTHING! She said she tried to call you but no answer and I don't know if she left a message.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

whenever i see this picture. It makes me want to HUGE these people. Dr Rabinowitch (man in the picture) was so sweet and clear with what needed to be done with Jackson. almost brings tears to my eyes when I think of how they helped my son, but also how they helped me. I met my son for the first time when we were out there.